A Rajasthan police cop and a fleeing robber from Haryana were killed in a fierce encounter on the Haryana-Rajasthan border on Friday. Police arrested three other robbers, who received bullet injuries and were referred to the hospital. The police said all four robbers hailed from Bhiwani and Hisar districts of Haryana and were wanted in several incidents of loot and dacoity. The accused were on the run after committing a dacoity in a bank in Baloda village of district Jhunjhunu of Rajasthan on Wednesday.
Rajasthan cop Chanderbhan and a robber Praveen alias Tinku, resident of Bhiwani, succumbed to bullet injuries. Three other robbers were identified as Kuldeep Sihag, resident of Bhiwani, Raghav alias Raghu of district Hisar and Parvinder of Charkhi Dadri town in Bhiwani. SHO of Surajgarh police station Uday Singh said four desperadoes robbed Rs 4.10 lakh from a bank in Baloda village on Wednesday. On getting information, he asked police constable Chanderbhan who was in his village, Kajla, to try to get hold of the robbers with the help of villagers. The robbers, who were escaping on foot after their vehicle developed a technical snag, fired on the cop, who died on way to the hospital.
Meanwhile, police force had encircled the area to catch robbers, which led to a gunbattle. After exchange of several rounds of fire, two robbers received bullet injuries while two others were thrashed by villagers who had got hold of him. The SHO said one of the robbers Tinku died during treatment while others were admitted in a hospital in Jaipur. Police sources said Tinku was wanted in another case of bank robbery under jurisdiction of Hamirwas police station in district Churu and in two other cases of keeping illegal weapons. His accomplices had also committed bank robberies in Surajgarh, Hamirpur (Rajasthan) and Siwani in district Bhiwani and were presently out on bail.
Rajasthan cop Chanderbhan and a robber Praveen alias Tinku, resident of Bhiwani, succumbed to bullet injuries. Three other robbers were identified as Kuldeep Sihag, resident of Bhiwani, Raghav alias Raghu of district Hisar and Parvinder of Charkhi Dadri town in Bhiwani. SHO of Surajgarh police station Uday Singh said four desperadoes robbed Rs 4.10 lakh from a bank in Baloda village on Wednesday. On getting information, he asked police constable Chanderbhan who was in his village, Kajla, to try to get hold of the robbers with the help of villagers. The robbers, who were escaping on foot after their vehicle developed a technical snag, fired on the cop, who died on way to the hospital.
Meanwhile, police force had encircled the area to catch robbers, which led to a gunbattle. After exchange of several rounds of fire, two robbers received bullet injuries while two others were thrashed by villagers who had got hold of him. The SHO said one of the robbers Tinku died during treatment while others were admitted in a hospital in Jaipur. Police sources said Tinku was wanted in another case of bank robbery under jurisdiction of Hamirwas police station in district Churu and in two other cases of keeping illegal weapons. His accomplices had also committed bank robberies in Surajgarh, Hamirpur (Rajasthan) and Siwani in district Bhiwani and were presently out on bail.
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