Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) announced its annual budget of Rs 14.25 crore for the session 2010-11 at a meeting in Ajmer on Thursday. The outcome of the meeting disappointed students who will have to shell out Rs 100 extra for examination fees. But examiners and those involved in the board's examination process were happy for it accepted their long-standing demand for 50% rise in their remuneration. From this session, the examiners will get Rs 9 instead of Rs 6 for checking a secondary answer script. Similarly, for checking higher secondary answer script they will get Rs 10 instead of Rs 6.50. The board is hoping that this step will encourage examiners to check the copies with precision.
The board has also hiked the remuneration for examiners for attending an exam class. So far examiners and co-examiners were getting Rs 175 and Rs 150 respectively, per session. Now they will get Rs 200 and Rs 250 respectively, per session. Keeping in mind the importance of quality of question papers, the board has decided to give Rs 1,500 to a teacher for framing a question papers instead of Rs 400. The biggest respite the board has given to the students is by deciding to open a Students Help Centre' in every district. This centre will provide career guidance besides facilities providing marksheets and migration certificates.
The board has also hiked the remuneration for examiners for attending an exam class. So far examiners and co-examiners were getting Rs 175 and Rs 150 respectively, per session. Now they will get Rs 200 and Rs 250 respectively, per session. Keeping in mind the importance of quality of question papers, the board has decided to give Rs 1,500 to a teacher for framing a question papers instead of Rs 400. The biggest respite the board has given to the students is by deciding to open a Students Help Centre' in every district. This centre will provide career guidance besides facilities providing marksheets and migration certificates.
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