Sachin Pilot factor work in ajmer with huge public support and Congress manage to win BJP's favorite seat Ajmer Civic election after 20 year. This new face of congress emerge as one of leading politician of rajasthan. Ajmer seat also add value to pilots portfolio as it is one of important seat in rajasthan. Ruling Congress nominee Kamal Bakoliya was today elected Mayor in the Ajmer Municipal Corporation defeating his nearest BJP rival P Handa in a keen contest. The ruling party is also set to attain comfortable majority in the 55-member Corporation, where the saffron party is in power in the dissolved House. Besides, 125 other civic bodies had also gone to the polls on Wednesday, where counting of votes is still in progress. As per the available trends, BJP candidates are leading for election on post of Chairperson/President in 17 civic bodies followed by the Congress 13 and Independents 3. While 633 contestants are in the fray for 126 posts of Mayor or Chairpersons or Presidents, 9,499 others has contested election on 3,009 seats of corporators/ward members. Election in 46 civic bodies including Municipal Corporations of Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota and Bikaner had already held last year.
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