Andhra Pradesh, Chief Minister K Rosaiah has announced his resignation. The party in Andhra Pradesh has faced a public and massive attack from one of its own against the Prime Minister and Sonia Gandhi. On Friday, Sakshi TV, owned by Jagan Mohan Reddy, broadcast a program that was scathing in its assessment of both leaders. The channel's management said Jagan Mohan was not aware of the show's contents. Re-runs of the same show did not carry the controversial parts. Rosaiah has seen massive resistance within his party from supporters of Jagan, whose father, the immensely-popular YSR, died in a helicopter crash last September. Rosaiah was picked to replace him as chief minister- Jagan and his camp have challenged this decision through campaigns like the Odarpu Yatra which saw Jagan touring the state in a show of strength, in open defiance of the party which had ordered him to cut short the road show.
"I served the party like a soldier. I worked to the satisfaction of the people of Andhra Pradesh. If I have hurt anybody or done anything wrong, it has not been not deliberate," he said. Refusing to name his successor, he said that the decision to name his successor would be taken by the Congress High Command. He added that he was not quitting politics.
"I served the party like a soldier. I worked to the satisfaction of the people of Andhra Pradesh. If I have hurt anybody or done anything wrong, it has not been not deliberate," he said. Refusing to name his successor, he said that the decision to name his successor would be taken by the Congress High Command. He added that he was not quitting politics.
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