Government has unveiled a special Rs 3300 crore action plan in 60 affected tribal and backward districts across nine states. The Integrated Action Plan (IAP) is intended to provide immediate redressal to problems of the people in tribal and backward districts in the sector like healthcare, drinking water, education and roads. The IAP would be given as an additional central assistance scheme on 100 percent grant basis to be implemented in two years, Home Minister P Chidambaram said about the decision taken at the meeting of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs held on Thursday. "In the current year (2010-11), a block grant of Rs 25 crore will be made available to each of the 60 districts for which the schemes will be decided by a committee headed by the distrcit collector with district SP and district forest officer as members," Chidambaram said.
The projects would have to be completed by March in a "concrete" and "visible" manner, he said. The works would be taken up by district collectors by 1st December, he said, adding the block amount of Rs 25 crore will have to be utilised in the remaining four months of the current fiscal. Elaborating on the action plan, he said the grant would be utilised by a committee headed by district collectors of the state to undertake doable projects like construction of link roads, Panchayat Ghar (office building) etc.
The projects would have to be completed by March in a "concrete" and "visible" manner, he said. The works would be taken up by district collectors by 1st December, he said, adding the block amount of Rs 25 crore will have to be utilised in the remaining four months of the current fiscal. Elaborating on the action plan, he said the grant would be utilised by a committee headed by district collectors of the state to undertake doable projects like construction of link roads, Panchayat Ghar (office building) etc.
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