India created history by recording their best-ever performance in Asian Games with 64 medals, including a record 14 gold, with star boxer Vijender Singh providing the icing on the cake by bringing the last yellow metal on the penultimate day in Guangzhou on Friday. The men's and women's kabaddi teams expectedly maintained their supremacy by clinching the gold before the women's 4x400m quartet and Vijender (75kg) bagged a yellow metal each on the most productive day for India in the mega-event. With the addition of 11 more medals on Friday, India's tally climbed to a record 14 gold, 17 silver and 33 bronze (total 64), the biggest ever haul in the Asian Games so far, to jump to the sixth place.
India's best medal haul till date was recorded in the 1982 Games in Delhi when they had won 13 gold, 19 silver and 25 bronze for an overall tally of 57. India had finished 10 in the last edition of the Games in Doha with a tally of 10-17-26. India have now completed their engagements in the Games and their final standing will depend after the completion of the six events -- men's and women's marathon, men's and women's doubles sepaktakraw finals and women's volleyball final on Saturday. China leads the medal table with 197 gold, 117 silver and 98 bronze (total 412), followed by South Korea (74-63-91) and Japan (47-73-94) at second and third respectively.
India's best medal haul till date was recorded in the 1982 Games in Delhi when they had won 13 gold, 19 silver and 25 bronze for an overall tally of 57. India had finished 10 in the last edition of the Games in Doha with a tally of 10-17-26. India have now completed their engagements in the Games and their final standing will depend after the completion of the six events -- men's and women's marathon, men's and women's doubles sepaktakraw finals and women's volleyball final on Saturday. China leads the medal table with 197 gold, 117 silver and 98 bronze (total 412), followed by South Korea (74-63-91) and Japan (47-73-94) at second and third respectively.
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