Baba Ramdev alleges that a minister demanded a bribe of Rs 2 crore from him. He made the revelation during the camp of Bharat Swabhiman Yatra in Gonda.Claiming that he had met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi two years ago to demand concrete measures for checking corruption, Ramdev regretted that no step has so far been taken in this direction. The yoga guru claimed a minister in Uttarakhand asked for bribe but refused to divulge his name or the party, which was in power at that time. "In case the present government failed to take any step in this direction, efforts would have to be made to change the government through democratic process", he said, adding that though he has no plan of entering politics or launching a party as of now, but a new political scene might emerge in the coming two years. "After this change, corruption would be fully controlled and the process of bringing crores of rupees stacked in foreign banks and the campaign against foreign companies harming the country's economy would begin", he said.
babaji pe to rahaem kartee.
ReplyDeleteThese are politicians...Vo kisi ke sage nahi hote :)