Pink city jaipur is all set for royal wedding of Shivraj Singh, son of Jodhpur’s maharaja, Gaj Singh, to Gayatri Kumari on Wednesday, is all set to be the most star-studded royal wedding in recent time. With celebrity invitees from all over the world expected to converge at Ram Nivas Bagh in Jaipur, the affair has been described as an “out and out traditional Indian wedding” by the organisers. Gaj Singh personally travelled to several countries to invite guests. UK’s Prince Charles, during his recent trip to Jodhpur, promised to attend. Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachhan, Kabir Bedi, Dino Moria, Vinod Khanna and Hema Malini are among the confirmed guests, while Hollywood actor Richard Gere, singer Madonna and former US president Bill Clinton’s daughter Chelsea are also expected to attend.
On the wedding day, the the bride will wear a traditional sari with embroidery of real gold zari. For the baraat, the royal family hired a special train from the railways to take the guests to Jaipur, at a cost of Rs 9 lakh. A lavish reception will be held at Jodhpur’s royal Umaid Bhavan Palace on November 22.
Family spokesperson Khandela said a lot of wedding arrangements had been made locally. Flowers were not being imported but local marigolds, roses and mogra were being used. Invitation cards had been printed at a local press that had enjoyed royal patronage for decades. Most of the performing artistes would be local, like the 101 Langa and Manganiar musicians who featured at this evening’s ceremony. The Ganesha idol that will be installed in the royal household to mark the beginning of festivities has been made locally. The food will be a mix of recipes from Marwar and Uttarakhand.
Family spokesperson Khandela said a lot of wedding arrangements had been made locally. Flowers were not being imported but local marigolds, roses and mogra were being used. Invitation cards had been printed at a local press that had enjoyed royal patronage for decades. Most of the performing artistes would be local, like the 101 Langa and Manganiar musicians who featured at this evening’s ceremony. The Ganesha idol that will be installed in the royal household to mark the beginning of festivities has been made locally. The food will be a mix of recipes from Marwar and Uttarakhand.
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