Mohammad Salman alias Chhotu an alleged Indian Mujahideen (IM) terrorist involved in serial blasts across the country including Jaipur was arrested by Delhi Police, he was handed over to Rajasthan ATS on Tuesday. He will be produced in a local court in Jaipur on Wednesday. The ATS is likely to seek his custody for questioning in the Jaipur serial blasts case. The ATS believes that it was Salman who had placed the bomb in Manak Chowk area.
Salman was lodged in Tihar jail after the Uttar Pradesh ATS had picked him up from an area bordering Nepal in March this year. He was then handed over to Delhi Police which was probing the serial blasts in the national capital allegedly carried out by IM. The same module of terrorists was also involved in Jaipur serial blasts that claimed about 70 lives and left 150 injured on May 13, 2008.
Salman was lodged in Tihar jail after the Uttar Pradesh ATS had picked him up from an area bordering Nepal in March this year. He was then handed over to Delhi Police which was probing the serial blasts in the national capital allegedly carried out by IM. The same module of terrorists was also involved in Jaipur serial blasts that claimed about 70 lives and left 150 injured on May 13, 2008.
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