Uttar Pradesh former minister Bhaiya have been arrested in Pratapgarh district for their involvement in block election problems. Police also arrested MP Shailendra kumar and MLA Vinod Saroj as per media report. Total 8 man arrested in this case which also includes Raja Bhaiya's brother. Raja Bhaiya alias Raghuraj Pratap Singh, a Samajwadi Party MLA from Kunda , Shailendra Kumar, an MP from Kaushambi, Akshay Pratap Singh, an MLC, and Vinod Kumar Saroj, another MLA from the party have been arrested in the night and booked for attempt to murder, kidnapping. Mukesh Shukla, a BSP supported candidate who is contesting the block head election scheduled for December 22 was allegedly intercepted by Raja Bhaiya and his supporters at around midnight. Raja supporters fired almost around 10 rounds and later on the police reached the spot and arrested Raja and six others.
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