Actress Waheeda Rehman Shashi Kapoor and renowned musician Khayyam will get the Padma Bhushan awards 2011. Ex-planning panel chief LC Jain will get the Padma Vibhushan. Indian cricketer VVS Laxman, shooter Gagan Narang, wrestler Sushil Kumar, actress Kajol, Tabbu and actor Irfan Khan will be conferred of Padma Shri awards. However, the name of Bharat Ratna will be discussed in a meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukherjee at 4.00 pm on Tuesday. Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar and former West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu are in the race for the country’s highest civilian honour.
Sources said that the Prime Minister Office (PMO) has recommended the name of Indian batting maestro for the Bharat Ratna. Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni has also favoured Tendulkar’s name for the Bharat Ratna. However, there are some reservations over Sachin’s name as he is too young for the award. Earlier, BCCI had forwarded Sachin Tendulkar’s name on Monday. On the Other hand, government has also announced the gallantry awards. 21 armymen will get Shaurya Chakra and five will get Kirti Chakra this year. Major Lass Ram will confer Ashoka Chakra posthumou
Sources said that the Prime Minister Office (PMO) has recommended the name of Indian batting maestro for the Bharat Ratna. Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni has also favoured Tendulkar’s name for the Bharat Ratna. However, there are some reservations over Sachin’s name as he is too young for the award. Earlier, BCCI had forwarded Sachin Tendulkar’s name on Monday. On the Other hand, government has also announced the gallantry awards. 21 armymen will get Shaurya Chakra and five will get Kirti Chakra this year. Major Lass Ram will confer Ashoka Chakra posthumou
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