In a shocking incident, Additional District Collector of Nashik, Yashwant Sonawane, was burnt alive on Tuesday for cracking down on the oil mafia operating in the vicinity of Panewadi oil depot near Manmad town, 75 kilometres from the district headquarters. As per reports, at around 11.30 am, Sonawane, who was going on an official tour, reportedly saw some suspicious activity going on in the vicinity of the oil depot – the area is infamous as a hub for oil adulteration. He got down from his car to further probe the matter but was cornered by members of the mafia who, reportedly, beat him up, and then set him on fire in broad daylight.
Three persons, including thesuspected main culprit, have been detained for burning todeath Additional District Collector Yashwant Sonawane atManmad in Nashik district today, police said. "The main culprit in the incident has also sustainedburn injuries and he along with two aides has been detained. Further investigations are on," Rafeeq Shaikh, Inspector atManmad police station, told PTI. Meanwhile, Maharashtra Gazetted Officers Federationhas called for a day-long strike on January 27 to protest themurder.
Three persons, including thesuspected main culprit, have been detained for burning todeath Additional District Collector Yashwant Sonawane atManmad in Nashik district today, police said. "The main culprit in the incident has also sustainedburn injuries and he along with two aides has been detained. Further investigations are on," Rafeeq Shaikh, Inspector atManmad police station, told PTI. Meanwhile, Maharashtra Gazetted Officers Federationhas called for a day-long strike on January 27 to protest themurder.
This is the Nexus of Local Politicians, Custom & Excise Officials, Police Officials, Monster Mafias etc... and the Loot of Govt Oil Depots and Storage is on going from last 30 years in many states. On every Tankers the Looter Share Holders price is fixed. Some time after Looting 70-75% of Stock they put Depots and Storage on fire to show the lost is due to fire. India cannot afford killings of the Honest Whistle Blowers and must stand up to bring this Monster Nexus down. Death penalty must be asked for all convicted, including their " RING LEADERS ". JAI HIND.