AIIMS to start in Jodhpur by 2013 The much-awaited All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) is likely to begin its operations by 2013, Union Health Secretary K Chandramauli said here after a review meeting in this regard on Tuesday. Chandramauli, who arrived in the city Tuesday morning with a team of Health Ministry officials, looked satisfied with the pace of work of the proposed AIIMS. After reviewing the progress, he said that construction work at the full-fledged AIIMS campus, which would include a hospital, a medical college and residential complex, was likely to be completed by 2012 and the first session would hopefully be kicked off in 2013.
Chandramauli also visited the city medical college and gave instructions to officials to improve facilities over there. He was particularly miffed with the absence of CT scan machine in the hospital and asked the hospital in-charge Dr. AS Rathore to take necessary steps to improve facilities sooner than later.
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