In this phase, the Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation (JMRC) will procure 10 trains. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) chief project manager Lalit Meghnani said on Tuesday, “Like Delhi Metro, Jaipur too will start with four coaches and switch to six coaches later as the traffic increases. According to thumb rule for one km one train should run.” The decision to start the train with four coaches was made after analysing the traffic statics and estimation of commuters expected at various metro stations. Meghnani added, “We have proposed 10 trains which include one spare train in case if one breaks down.” For the passenger convenience two tracks will be laid with trains running every seven minutes. However, at the peak hour the gap will be reduced to every five minutes. Though the tenders for the trains are not yet out, according to DMRC officials the Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system, which was successfully launched in the first phase in various cities, will be bought.
The trains in other Metro cities are equipped with this device which, a DMRC official claims, “makes the system very safe and devoid of human error.” He explained, the system applies brakes if the driver fails to respond to these warnings. It takes into account the speed and position of the train relative to the end of its 'movement authority' in issuing the warnings and applying the brakes. It’s also reliable as the display time is fixed in the control room of different trains. If one train gets delayed, the time in another automatically gets adjusted.
The trains in other Metro cities are equipped with this device which, a DMRC official claims, “makes the system very safe and devoid of human error.” He explained, the system applies brakes if the driver fails to respond to these warnings. It takes into account the speed and position of the train relative to the end of its 'movement authority' in issuing the warnings and applying the brakes. It’s also reliable as the display time is fixed in the control room of different trains. If one train gets delayed, the time in another automatically gets adjusted.
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