Former Union minister and businessman Kamal Morarka filed his nomination for the biennial Rajya Sabha elections from Rajasthan as an independent candidate supported by Opposition Congress, NPP and independent MLAs. Congress MLAs Ghanshyam, Girraj Singh, BSP MLAs Manoj Kumar, Pooranmal Saini, NPP's Navin Pilania, Kirori Lal, Golma Devi and Geeta Verma, Independent legislators Anju Devi Dhanka and Hanuman Beniwal were the proposers, returning officer Pritvi Raj said. Before filing the nomination, Morarka held a meeting with the Opposition leader Rameshwar Dudi at the latter's residence.
The BJP, which was earlier confident of its victory on all the four seats, is confronted with the hard task of preventing cross-voting from its camp. It is a known fact that Mr. Morarka has several close friends in the ruling party. The BJP, which has 160 members in the Assembly, needs 164 votes to win all four seats, while Mr. Morarka needs 41 first priority votes. Even as Parliamentary Affairs Minister Rajendra Rathore ruled out the possibility of any cross-voting, political observers here believe that it would be a challenge for the BJP to control dissidents in the party. Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu, BJP national vice-president Om Prakash Mathur and two others had filed their nomination papers as the BJP candidates for the biennial Rajya Sabha elections on Monday. The two new faces fielded as BJP candidates are Harshvardhan Singh, belonging to the erstwhile royal family of Dungarpura, and Ram Kumar Verma, a retired officer of Reserve Bank of India, who is now attached to several charitable organisations.
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