Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit today presented a budget of Rs. 27,067 crore for this year with a plan outlay of Rs. 13,600 crore and a non-plan expenditure of Rs. 13,307.
Delhi Budget 2011-12 Highlights:
1. 14,000 new staff in schools.
2. Scholarships for Students.
3. MLA fund increased to 2.5 Crore from Rs. 2 crore.
4. Cheaper: Bicycles, kerosene stoves, lanterns, petromax lamps and sanitary napkins.
5. Costlier: Bidis, furnishings and suitings and sweetmeats will become costlier under new tax proposals in Delhi government's budget.
6. VAT of 12.5 per cent would be imposed on unmanufactured tobacco, making bidis and hookah smoking more expensive.
7. 'Khandsari' sugar and textiles have also been exempted from VAT.
8. The VAT on sweetmeats and 'namkeen' has been increased to 12.5 per cent from existing five per cent.
9. Industrial textiles such as canvas belts, filter clothes and furnishing and suitings are proposed to be taxed at five per cent.
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