Rajasthan Police's Special Operations Group (SOG) arrested one of the main accused in the abduction and murder of Bhanwar Sinodia, son of Kisangarh MLA Nathu Ram Sinodia. Shehzad, the alleged contract killer of the MLA's son was arrested from the Ashok Vihar area in New Delhi on Wednesday morning. This is the sixth arrest by the SOG in the case within a fortnight. Sanjay Agarwal, IG, SOG told TOI: "The teams were in touch with the police of five states. While going through Shehzad's history, we found that he was lodged at Ajmer Central Jail. From thereon, we started collecting information about his connections and activities in other states." "On Tuesday evening, we received information that Shehzad was staying somewhere near the Ashok Vihar area in New Delhi. Our local team, with logistic support from the Delhi Police, arrested him in the wee hours of Wednesday," Agarwal added. SOG sources said Shehzad is likely to be presented before a local court in Kishangarh. "We will seek his police custody for at least 10 days to further probe the case and find out if Shehzad's involvement in the murder was merely for monetary gains," a senior SOG officer said.
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