Brigadier Bhawani Singh was consigned to flames here today with full state honours. Padmanabh Singh, his grandson, lit the pyre amid the chanting of Vaidik mantras at 'Gaitore Ki Chatriya', the crematorium of royal family at Amber road. The funeral procession began from the city palace and passed through different parts of the walled city before reaching at the cremation ground. It was attended by large number of people and members of the erstwhile royal families including former Jodhpur Maharaja Gaj Singh.
Rajasthan Governor Shivraj Patil, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, PCC president anad Union Minister Dr. CP Joshi, Union minister Namonarayan Meena, Rajasthan Medical and Health Minister Duru Miyan, Rajasthan Assembly Speaker DS Shekhawat were among other dignitaries who were present and paid floral tributes. Singh died after a prolonged illness late on Saturday night at a private hospital in Gurgaon.
Rajasthan Governor Shivraj Patil, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, PCC president anad Union Minister Dr. CP Joshi, Union minister Namonarayan Meena, Rajasthan Medical and Health Minister Duru Miyan, Rajasthan Assembly Speaker DS Shekhawat were among other dignitaries who were present and paid floral tributes. Singh died after a prolonged illness late on Saturday night at a private hospital in Gurgaon.
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