Population of Rajasthan as per Census 2011 is 68621012 which is much higher than census 2001 which records 56507188. child sex ratio at 883 in the state is below the national average of 914 and is among those states with lowest child sex ratio. Even the sex ratio in the Rajasthan at 926 is below the national average of 940, a rise by seven points since 2001 to record the highest figures in the country since 1971. But the current sex ratio is a jump by four points since the last census. The rising population in the state is also reflected in the population density which now stands at 201 persons per sq km against figures of 165 and 129 in 2001 and 1991. Significantly, Rajasthan is the largest state in the country. On the significant side, Rajasthan has also shown an improvement in the female literacy rate that now stands at 52.66 against that of 43.9 in 2001. But even this figure stands way below the national average of 65.46. In fact, this is the lowest female literacy rate in the country and is closely followed by Bihar at 53.33. India's population is now 1.21bn, which is bigger than the combined populations of the US, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Bangladesh. India launched the latest census exercise last year. Some 2.5 million officials visited households in about 7,000 towns and 600,000 villages. The population was classified according to gender, religion, education and occupation. The exercise, conducted every 10 years, faces big challenges, not least India's vast area and diversity of cultures.
Population in rajasthan is rising but that can be managed.. what is worst data comes is literacy rate..which is 67% from 60%, lessar than UP and Even MP..So where whole money is going ..why we are paying crores to Teachers...and schools.. This is not when govt have to do something..istead of spoon feeding to Teachers..who even dont care about the students..or how to bring students to schools..they are just coming school for salary of 15-40K Monthly and enjoy mid day meal in school and nothing else.
ReplyDeleteI have heard that there are lot of schemes from Rajasthan government for Aanganwari's but, I personally heard from lot of Aanganwari workers that they just go there for food and the material supplied to them for poor children is consumed by mostly workers and they use it for themselves or for their relatives.
ReplyDeleteso the thing is we need to change the mentality of individual person rather than blaming government, or just put stronger rules and regulations.