Leader of Opposition in Rajasthan, Vasundhara Raje, on Thursday met President Pratibha Devisingh Patiland urged her to order the governor of the state to reconvene the budget session of the state assembly to discuss alleged flaws. The session concluded on Wednesday. "According to us, this session did not take place at all. So, this session should be reconvened. There should be another fresh session, in a good atmosphere, where the entire issues relating to the Budget could be discussed. This would benefit the entire state of Rajasthan," Scindia said. Raje said President Patil had listened to the opposition's demands and agreed to look into the issue. "The President had listened to us and said she would consider our demand," she added.
According to the opposition, the ruling Congress party had adopted unconstitutional methods during the budget session by not allowing the house to function properly. They claimed that over 16 bills have been passed in the assembly without discussion. The budget session had not been functioning properly for the past several days as both the ruling as well as opposition parties failed to resolve their differences through dialogue.
According to the opposition, the ruling Congress party had adopted unconstitutional methods during the budget session by not allowing the house to function properly. They claimed that over 16 bills have been passed in the assembly without discussion. The budget session had not been functioning properly for the past several days as both the ruling as well as opposition parties failed to resolve their differences through dialogue.
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