Supreme Court on Thursday asked Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan governments to ensure that supply of essential commodities including water to the national capital is not disrupted in the wake of threats by Jats agitating for quota in central jobs. A bench of justices Altamas Kabir and Dalveer Bhandari also specifically asked Haryana, Uttar Pradesh to also ensure that transportation of petroleum products from Mathura and Panipat oil refineries to Delhi are not affected in any manner.
The bench issued these directions on two urgent petitions filed by the Delhi Jal Board and the Indian Oil Corporation during a special sitting held at the apex court, which is currently closed on account of Holi holidays. Meanwhile Uttar Pradesh government has deployed about 35 companies of Provincial Armed Constabulary and Rapid Action Force in the Jat dominating areas including Agra, Aligarh, Moradabad, Meerut and Saharanpur divisions.
The bench issued these directions on two urgent petitions filed by the Delhi Jal Board and the Indian Oil Corporation during a special sitting held at the apex court, which is currently closed on account of Holi holidays. Meanwhile Uttar Pradesh government has deployed about 35 companies of Provincial Armed Constabulary and Rapid Action Force in the Jat dominating areas including Agra, Aligarh, Moradabad, Meerut and Saharanpur divisions.
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