Two suspected associates of a man, wanted in a case of alleged robbery, were killed on Thursday night and one injured in an encounter with a Haryana police team in Rajasthan's Sriganganagar district. The Haryana police team in a vehicle was chasing robbery accused Sukhvinder Singh who was in a car with his two associates. When they entered Sriganganagar, the police team challenged them, sparking the encounter at Padampur area, Rupendra Singh, Sriganganagar SP, said.
He said two persons identified as Jaggi and Dheeru were killed and Sukhvinder was injured in the encounter. Sukhvinder was arrested and shifted to the district hospital. "When we stopped both the vehicles near 1-TK area, the Haryana police team members introduced themselves and informed us about the case. Earlier, it was thought to be a gangwar", Singh said.
He said two persons identified as Jaggi and Dheeru were killed and Sukhvinder was injured in the encounter. Sukhvinder was arrested and shifted to the district hospital. "When we stopped both the vehicles near 1-TK area, the Haryana police team members introduced themselves and informed us about the case. Earlier, it was thought to be a gangwar", Singh said.
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