Rajasthan had its proud moment on Tuesday with three persons from the state featuring in the list of Padma Shri awardees announced a day ahead of Republic Day. Commonwealth gold-winning discus thrower Krishna Poonia, actor Irrfan Khan and poet and translator Dr Chandra Prakash Deval have been named for this year's award. Irrfan's family in Jaipur considers his name featuring among the recipients of the country's highest citizen award an unprecedented honour. His brother Salman, who lives at Jal Mahal road at their parental house, said, "Humein to khabar hi nahin, itna bada award mil gaya (We had no idea that he had won such a big award)."
Poonia spoke in a similar tone, "I had no idea I was even nominated. This kind of motivation would definitely take athletics and discus throw to new heights." She added, "Rajasthan mein to pyaar mila hi, ab desh ne yeh samman diya hai (The state has loved me and now the country has given me this honour." However, Deval sounded happy, but added he wished the Rajasthani language also got the place it deserved. "I would like to see Rajasthani getting this kind of recognition. It of course makes one happy when to get such awards, but what about the language," he asked.
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