Social activist Swami Agnivesh was on Thursday attacked in Ahmedabad during a public meeting. Agnivesh, along with other activists including Mallika Sarabhai, was with anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare in Ahmedabad. After the meeting was over, a priest named Swami Nityanand approached Agnivesh and on the pretext of garlanding him hit him on the face. For a moment, Agnivesh was unsettled and his turban fell off, but he soon regained his composure. The police arrested Nityanand. Preliminary enquiry suggested the young priest from Kheda district in Gujarat was upset with statements that Agnivesh made earlier regarding Amarnath Yatra.
The man slapped Agnivesh during the public meeting here, and was identified as Mahant Nityanand Das. He had taken umbrage at Agnivesh's recent comment that the Amarnath shivling was made out of artificial ice. Das had announced a reward of Rs.51,000 to anyone who would hurl a shoe at Agnivesh. A mahant at a temple near Nadiad, Nityanand approached Agnivesh, who was with anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare at the public meeting here. As Agnivesh moved to shake hands, the mahant slapped him. Agnivesh’s turban was also knocked off and fell to the ground.
Barfani Baba Amarnath Bhagvan Shiv Ji Ka hi Roop Hai, Me 10 Salo Se Amarnath Ja Raha Hon Me Jo Bhi Bhagvan Amarnath ji Se Magta Hon Muje Mil Jata Hai, Swami Agnivesh ji ne jo bat kahi hai muje bohat dukh hai, Muje Visvash hai ki bhagvan shiv swami agnivesh ji ko dand jarur denge, Use din me meri jindagi ka sabse Aacha Din Manuga, Baba Barfani Amarnath Ji Ki Jai Ho, Hathi Chalra Rahe Kutta ( Swami Agnivesh ) bhokta Rahe....................................... Jai Baba Amarnath
ReplyDeleteSwami Agnivesh is a knowledgeable person. What he said about amaranth is correct – its purely a natural phenomena. He truly expressed what he studied in school. Nityanand is jealous of Agnivesh’s popularity. He is a layman misleading/misguiding the hindus. Agniwesh must be the ideal of Hindus as he is a knowledgable person and Nityanand must be punished for his illwill. Every knowledgeable person will surely follow Agnivesh and condemn Nityanand for his illwill act.
ReplyDeleteAgnivesh is full DRAMEBAJ...A pure Dhongi BABA...he get what he deserve after such remark