Rajasthan 2nd Grade Teachers Exam 2011 Notification

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC), Ajmer invites Online application form for IInd Grade Exam 2011.
Job Post: Grade-II Teachers
Total Post: 10107
1. TSP (Maths) - 2372
2. TSP (Science) - 2372
3. TSP (English) - 2372
4. TSP (Hindi) - 1494
5. TSP (Social Science)- 1494
Age: 18-35 as on 1st Jan 2011, Reservation as per norms
Reservation: Reservation as per Govt of Rajasthan.
Pay Scale: PB2 Rs. 9300- Rs.34400
Qualification: Graduation in respective discipline.
Application Fee: GEN= Rs. 250, OBC= Rs. 150, SC,ST,PWD= Rs. 50
Important Dates:
Last date: 30 June 2011
Examination Date: August 2011 at all district centers.
How to apply: Apply online through RPSC Website or E-Mitra Kiosk / Jan-suvidha Kendra for IInd Grade application, Hand filled application will not be accepted.
For Job advertisement Click here
For more Jobs in Govt/ PSU Sectors Visit: http://www.jobkhabar.com/


  1. RPSC IInd (Second) Grade Teacher Study Material

    RPSC द्वितीय श्रेणी शिक्षक अध्ययन सामग्री


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