Bollywood star and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has given birth to a baby girl, her husband Abhishek announced on Wednesday. "IT'S A GIRL!," Abhishek, also a top actor, wrote on his Twitter account, @juniorbachchan, without giving any further details. Bachchan's father, Bollywood legend Amitabh, tweeted his joy at the new arrival: "A dada ji (a grandfather)...Ecstatic!", calling his new granddaughter "the cutest baby girl".
Security was tightened after Aishwarya was admitted to the hospital on Monday. Talking to a daily, a source said, “There was tighter than usual security on Tuesday and a crowd had assembled outside the hospital to get news of the junior-most Bachchan`s arrival.” A Bachchan family friend had earlier said, “There are strict instructions that only the family will announce the baby’s birth. The hospital has been forbidden from making any statement.”
Security was tightened after Aishwarya was admitted to the hospital on Monday. Talking to a daily, a source said, “There was tighter than usual security on Tuesday and a crowd had assembled outside the hospital to get news of the junior-most Bachchan`s arrival.” A Bachchan family friend had earlier said, “There are strict instructions that only the family will announce the baby’s birth. The hospital has been forbidden from making any statement.”
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