A day after all Rajasthan ministers resigned ahead of a cabinet reshuffle, six new ministers took oath of office at a ceremony at Raj Bhawan here Wednesday. Governor Shivraj Patil administered oath to the new ministers and to Ashok Bairwa, who has been promoted as cabinet minister. Earlier, he was a junior minister in the Ashok Gehlot ministry. In the new cabinet, Virendra Beniwal, Ameen Khan, Dayaram Parmar, Manju Meghwal, Naseem Akhtar and Vinod Choudhary have been inducted as state ministers while five former ministers -- Bhanwar Lal Meghwal, Pramod Jain ‘Bhaya’, Ramlal Jaat, Bharosi Lal Jaatav and Golma Devi -- have been removed.
“Majority of the ministers who were excluded were embroiled in various controversies,” a Congress party functionary told IANS. Issues like the Gopalgarh violence which claimed lives of 10 Muslims, nurse Bhanwari Devi's kidnapping case, corruption and hastening the post-mortem of a woman had put some ministers of the Gehlot cabinet in trouble and led to speculations about a reshuffle. “The complete refurbishment of the cabinet aims at easing the state government out of these controversies,” said a political analyst.
“Majority of the ministers who were excluded were embroiled in various controversies,” a Congress party functionary told IANS. Issues like the Gopalgarh violence which claimed lives of 10 Muslims, nurse Bhanwari Devi's kidnapping case, corruption and hastening the post-mortem of a woman had put some ministers of the Gehlot cabinet in trouble and led to speculations about a reshuffle. “The complete refurbishment of the cabinet aims at easing the state government out of these controversies,” said a political analyst.
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