BJP's poster-war has reached Rajasthan with posters supporting former general secretary of the party, Sanjay Joshi, appearing outside the party's state office here this morning. A few saffron-colour posters with pictures of Joshi and lotus were pasted anonymously in the night outside the office which read in Hindi 'Pehle Joshi Fir Modi' (First Joshi then Modi). The posters were, however, removed by the party workers today. When contacted, the party's state president Arun Chaturvedi said that he was out of the state and not aware of the posters.
Party vice president and MLA Digambar Singh also expressed ignorance about the posters. Earlier anti-Modi and pro-Sanjay Joshi posters had appeared in several places in Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi which were critical of Modi's style of functioning and prime ministerial ambition. Joshi, an RSS hand and friend-turned-foe of Modi, had recently quit the BJP
Party vice president and MLA Digambar Singh also expressed ignorance about the posters. Earlier anti-Modi and pro-Sanjay Joshi posters had appeared in several places in Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi which were critical of Modi's style of functioning and prime ministerial ambition. Joshi, an RSS hand and friend-turned-foe of Modi, had recently quit the BJP
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