Senior BJP leader and Rajasthan Opposition leader Gulabchand Kataria was on Tuesday granted interim relief from arrest by a sessions court in Mumbai till June 14 in the 2005 Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case. On May 14, CBI SP Sandeep Tamgadge had filed a 550-page third supplementary chargesheet naming Kataria along with Vimal Patni, a marble baron from Udaipur, Andhra IPS officer Narsimha Balasubramanyam and another police officer G Srinivasa Rao as accused in the case.
Kataria filed an application in the court seeking more time to appear before it. The court on Tuesday granted him 10 more days to do so. Meanwhile, the Social Democratic Party of India has demanded immediate arrest of Kataria. Nearly 200 party activists marched from Durgadas Park in Mansarovar to his residence which was stopped by the police a few meters away from Kataria’s residence. “Kataria should resign from his assembly seat on moral ground till the court pronounces judgment,” said Ashfaq Hussain, general secretary of SDPI. The activists accused BJP of influencing the investigation by launching a campaign in his favour. Sohrabuddin and his wife Kauser Bi were allegedly abducted by Gujarat ATS and killed near Gandhinagar in November 2005.
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