Jodhpur Police have summoned spiritual leader Asaram Bapu to appear before them in a sexual abuse case. The police have asked Asaram to appear before them in the next four days. The spiritual leader has been accused of sexual abuse by a minor in his ashram here. The self-styled godman has admitted to meeting the girl, but refuted allegations of sexual abuse. Asaram, who has already been booked for allegedly sexually assaulting the 16-year-old girl, is currently in Indore for spending time in 'solitude'.
The girl, who is from Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh, has alleged in her complaint that Asaram Bapu had asked her to stay back after prayers last week and then sexually assaulted her as her mother waited outside. The girl has said that when her father brought her to Delhi to meet the spiritual leader at a camp earlier this month, he left without meeting them. Her father then lodged a complaint with the police. The girl's family says they have been followers of Asaram Bapu for the past 12 years.
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