Rajasthan Minister of State for Dairy and Rural Industries Babu Lal Nagar resigned Thursday, two days after a woman filed a case against him accusing him of raping her. Nagar told the media that he sent his resignation letter to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot's office. "I am resigning on moral grounds and to let the investigation agency conduct a free and fair probe," he said. "My house was swarming with people on Sep 11, the day when the woman says she was raped. I was not alone even for a minute," said Nagar. Nagar represents Dudu in Ajmer district in the state assembly.
Meanwhile victim was taken to Sawai Man Singh Hospital for the medical test, police said. "A board of three doctors carried out the examination and handed over its report to police. The report is being examined," a police officer said. "We also took the woman to the minister's residence in Civil Lines area where the alleged rape took place. The woman helped the investigating team physically verify the crime scene," he said. The officer added that the woman's statement will also be recorded before a magistrate.
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