Its Friday and the two big Bollywood Movies, Shah Rukh Khan-starrer 'Dilwale' and Ranveer Singh's 'Bajirao Mastani' released today, 18th December with some protests for both the film. While, 'Dilwale' faced protests in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur district and Uttar Pradesh's Allahabad city, demonstrations were also held against Bajirao Mastani in Pune. Here is review Dilwale from various Daily news papers and websites to decide which movie is better to watch this weekend.
Dilwale Movie Reviews from various websites:
Hindustan Times: Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol reignite their chemistry.
Film knows it is a crowd pleaser, best enjoyed with a tub of popcorn. A pleasure for SRK and Kajol fans but if you want something substantial, look elsewhere.
Mid Day Rating:*** (3 star)
One thing is clear. If you expect depth or even a hint of novelty in the story, go watch some other movie. If you expect a lot of style and action crammed to the gills with masala, stay right here. Rating: **1/2 (2.5 Star)
Dilwale is not an enjoyable ride all the way. The film has its moments and mainly it is the predictability and cliches that kill it. One of the best scenes between Kajol and Shah Rukh comes right at the end but its too late to save the film then.
Deccan Chronicle Rating: **1/2 (2.5 Star) | The film doesn't have its heart in the right place
The thing about Dilwale is that it over promises and under delivers. In a bid to chase the Bollywood success formula of a masala flick, which Rohit Shetty undisputedly has cracked over the years, this film tried to pack too many punches in one. As a result, none are strong enough. Rating: * (1 star)
Dilwale is an absolute dud. 'The contents are not merely un-fizzy but, unforgivably, flat,' Raja Sen says about Dilwale.
Aaj Tak Rating: **1/2 (2.5 Star) | टाइम पास फिल्म है 'दिलवाले'
रोमांस, एक्शन और कॉमेडी के कायल हैं. रोहित शेट्टी की फिल्मों को देखना पसंद करते हैं. शाहरुख-काजोल की जोड़ी को सराहते हैं तो फिल्म एक बार देख सकते हैं
Bhaskar Rating: **** (4 Star) | दिलवाले मतलब- एंटरटेनमेंट, एंटरटेनमेंट और एंटरटेनमेंट
Check Bajirao Mastani Reviews
Film knows it is a crowd pleaser, best enjoyed with a tub of popcorn. A pleasure for SRK and Kajol fans but if you want something substantial, look elsewhere.
Mid Day Rating:*** (3 star)
One thing is clear. If you expect depth or even a hint of novelty in the story, go watch some other movie. If you expect a lot of style and action crammed to the gills with masala, stay right here. Rating: **1/2 (2.5 Star)
Dilwale is not an enjoyable ride all the way. The film has its moments and mainly it is the predictability and cliches that kill it. One of the best scenes between Kajol and Shah Rukh comes right at the end but its too late to save the film then.
Deccan Chronicle Rating: **1/2 (2.5 Star) | The film doesn't have its heart in the right place
The thing about Dilwale is that it over promises and under delivers. In a bid to chase the Bollywood success formula of a masala flick, which Rohit Shetty undisputedly has cracked over the years, this film tried to pack too many punches in one. As a result, none are strong enough. Rating: * (1 star)
Dilwale is an absolute dud. 'The contents are not merely un-fizzy but, unforgivably, flat,' Raja Sen says about Dilwale.
Aaj Tak Rating: **1/2 (2.5 Star) | टाइम पास फिल्म है 'दिलवाले'
रोमांस, एक्शन और कॉमेडी के कायल हैं. रोहित शेट्टी की फिल्मों को देखना पसंद करते हैं. शाहरुख-काजोल की जोड़ी को सराहते हैं तो फिल्म एक बार देख सकते हैं
Bhaskar Rating: **** (4 Star) | दिलवाले मतलब- एंटरटेनमेंट, एंटरटेनमेंट और एंटरटेनमेंट
Check Bajirao Mastani Reviews
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