Who is Prabhakaran

PRABHAKARN...A name that is in news now days everywhere. No one know where he is and wanted by Many Countries and Interpol for many cases. He looks like a mysterious person for india and srilanka.
Prabhakaran was born in the northern Srilanka. In 1972 he joined the student group TIP, during the standardization debates. In 1973 or 1974 Velupillai Prabhakaran founded an organization named Tamil New Tigers (TNT) which was a successor to many initial organizations that protested against the post colonial political direction of the country that pitted the minority Sri Lankan Tamils against the majority Sinhalese people.
In 1975, after becoming heavily involved in the Tamil movement, he carried out his first political murder against the mayor of Jaffna, Alfred Duraiappah, by shooting him at point blank range while he was about to enter the Hindu temple at Punnelary.
On May 5, 1976, the TNT was renamed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Religion is not a major factor in his philosophy or ideology, but there the LTTE can be characterized as anti-Buddhist.
Prabhakarn is now days Head of LTTE who are responsible for the murder of Former PM Rajiv Gandhi a man with Thought of Developed India. LTTE is declared at Terrorist organization in many countries including india. Current Army action by Lankan govt. will possibly capture him as he is surrounded by Srilankan army witin 20 km of range.

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