The EC has slapped a notice on Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav for his alleged threatening remarks against the DM of Mainpuri from where he is contesting the LS polls in Uttar Pradesh saying such action were "obstacles" in conduct of free and fair polls. In its notice on Monday, the Election Commission also said "such actions affect the morale of the district election machinery" involved in the conduct of elections.
The Commission asked Yadav to explain by 3rd April why action should not be taken against him for threatening the District Magistrate-cum-Returning Officer Ministhy Dileep, failing which the Commission would take further action without any further notice.
The Commission asked Yadav to explain by 3rd April why action should not be taken against him for threatening the District Magistrate-cum-Returning Officer Ministhy Dileep, failing which the Commission would take further action without any further notice.
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