S.K Singh, Governer of Rajasthan

Governor S.K. Singh was born on January 24, 1932. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in History, Sanskrit and Hindi from St. John’s College in Agra , with high honours. He attended the Agra University and received a Master’s Degree in History and an LLB Degree. Thereafter he read Parsian and International Law at Trinity College , University of Cambridge. Shri S.K. Singh was the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh from December 2004 until the 5th September, 2007 and now days governor of Rajasthan.
Shri S.K. Singh has monitored for the commonwealth and the United Nations, general elections in South Africa , Kenya , Algeria , Lesotho , Malawi and Sierra Leone and the Presidential election in Sri Lanka . He has been a member of 19 Indian delegations to the UN General Assembly, ECOSOC and the Human Rights Commission. Governor Singh was President of the G77 and also served as India ’s Governor on the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna .
Governor Singh has Taught History at Agra University . He was a Visiting Professor and Member of the Academic Council of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi . He is a trustee and member of the board of directors of numerous cultural, academic and corporate organizations. He has contributed articles to many journals and newspapers in India and abroad on international relations, geopolitics and current developments. He has also been a frequent television commentator. He is now days serving Rajasthan state with his prestegious service. A man with revolutionary thought and clear image.

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