BJP announced today Kiran Maheshwari against Congress’s Sachin Pilot from Ajmer and Ghanshyam tiwari from Jaipur seat against Mahesh joshi and Khemchand Koli (Bharatpur-SC), Subhash Maharia (Sikar) and Mahavir Bhagora (Udaipur) are the other party candidates announced. The party had to re-announce its candidate from Jaipur as sitting MP Girdharilal Bhargava, who was on the BJP’s first list, passed away recently. The candidature of Ghanshyam Tiwari from Jaipur is seen as an outcome of the pressure mounted by the RSS functionaries as former chief minister Vasundhara Raje was reportedly keen on picking former BJP state president Mahesh Chand Sharma.
BJP has fielded Kiran Maheshwari from Ajmer against Congress candidate Sachin Pilot. Kiran was the MP from Udaipur but resigned and contested and won from Rajsamand assembly constituency during the recent assembly polls. Kiran’s candidature also reflects that party had difficulty in finding a suitable candidate against Sachin Pilot, who is contesting from Ajmer after a major chunk of Gujjar votebak was attached to the constituency after delimitation.
I dont know why kiran maheshwari from ajmer, don't they have other options, this seat will definitely BJP going to loose as she do not have any ground in ajmer nor she can win ajmer seat based on caste vote bank. Sachin pilot definately get benifits in rural vote bank.
BJP has fielded Kiran Maheshwari from Ajmer against Congress candidate Sachin Pilot. Kiran was the MP from Udaipur but resigned and contested and won from Rajsamand assembly constituency during the recent assembly polls. Kiran’s candidature also reflects that party had difficulty in finding a suitable candidate against Sachin Pilot, who is contesting from Ajmer after a major chunk of Gujjar votebak was attached to the constituency after delimitation.
I dont know why kiran maheshwari from ajmer, don't they have other options, this seat will definitely BJP going to loose as she do not have any ground in ajmer nor she can win ajmer seat based on caste vote bank. Sachin pilot definately get benifits in rural vote bank.
She will defenately loose.... even i am big supporter of BJP at ajmer.... i will caste my vote against her..... GO BACK.. UDAIPUR
ReplyDeletethen sachin should also go back...
ReplyDeleteGO BACK...
Both go back.... !!!
ReplyDeleteI Support Sachin Pilot... he can bring our local issue to parliament... she donot have any such think....even she didn't diserve to be MLA candidate from anywhere....i dont know why BJP is doing such thinks here....
She is going to best wishes are with her....winwinwinwin...
ReplyDeleteA win by Sachin from Ajmer seat will show his ability........
ReplyDeleteSmt. Kiran Ji Maheshwari will definately win againest sachin,because first of all she is national leader and she is a lady.Next thing is that there is only 70 to 80 thousand gurjers and they will also vote BJP, because they know who will hear them who head heard them in past in Vasundhra ji's govt.And the trader community which has good amount of votes (around 2.5 lakh) will also vote Kiran ji.
ReplyDeleteSo i think that Kiran ji will definately win this election.
I am not agree with all of you people, there is not a single chance to win by kiran maheshwari..
ReplyDeleteREASON WHY ???
1. She is not a great leader as Sachin pilot is.
2. Educated people who really care about ajmer will never vote for her, as she do not have ability to bring ajmer issue at national level.
3. Her last 5 year at rajsamand is worst a MP can do in her 5 year.
4. Kiran maheshwari will get vote from Ajmer and other city public but i dont think she will even gets 20% vote from rural vote bank, as sachin pilot is known face for them but no one even ever heard name of Kiran maheshwari.
5. Ajmer have Jat, rawat as maximum vote bank, and i think both caste will vote against her.
6. Gurjar Jat combo will work in rural area and she will definately loose.
7. People still remember vasundhara and gehlot so people will never vote for her.
8. Congress government in state that will be additional support for sachin.
9. Sachin pilot will get benefits of Rajesh pilot, who was known as Leader of Farmers in India after choudhary charan singh, so villagers specially in Bhinai, kishangarh, ajmer and nasirabad will vote for him.
Compition is touch mr. mukesh not such a simple you think, even your point are correct but this is politics....???