Demanding five per cent separate quota for four backward communities, hundreds of Gujjars today staged a sit-in near Rajathan Assembly building and submitted a memorandum to chief minister Ashok Gehlot. Ramveer Singh Bidhuri, chief convenor of Akhil Bhartiya Gujjar Arakshan Sangarsh Samiti, led the 11-member delegation which met Gehlot at his residence before calling off the dharna. "Our main demands are five per cent reservation to Gujjars, Raika, Rebari and Gadia-Luhar, simplification of rules to avail scholarships by the students of these backward communities, withdrawal of criminal cases against Gujjar people during agitations in past and recommendation to central government to set up Gujjar regiment in Indian Army," he said. He said the meeting ended on a "positive note".
"We have given the government one month time to fulfil our demands. If the government fails to fulfil these demands, we will take the next step which will be decided later," he added. After the meeting, Bidhuri called off the dharna. While one Gujjar faction is headed by Kirori Singh Bainsla, the rival group is led by Bidhuri.
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