Ashok gehlot meet with party workers at jodhpur and ask to support Chandresh Kumari, the Congress candidate from Jodhpur parliamentary constituency. He advised the workers to achieve this goal with unity and passion. He said, "I have just come to give you this responsibility and am dependent upon you as I cannot be around all the time." He said that Chandresh's victory would give Jodhpur a trusted and robust representation in the Parliament.
Talking about Chandresh's relationship with the Jodhpur royal family, Gehlot wished her to be treated as a party worker and not as a royal personality assuring that, if she wins, her loyalty to the people would be more her association with the royal family.
Talking about Chandresh's relationship with the Jodhpur royal family, Gehlot wished her to be treated as a party worker and not as a royal personality assuring that, if she wins, her loyalty to the people would be more her association with the royal family.
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