Retired principal throw shoe on MP Navin Jindal at Kurukshetra

Throwing shoe over politician becomes fashion now days as per recent incident. After shoe throw over chidambaram today one retired school principal, claiming to be a Congressman, today throw a shoe at party MP Navin Jindal, during a meeting here in what appears to be a fast catching trend inspired by recent incidents. The shoe, thrown by 62-year-old Rajmal Singh Saharan, who retired as the Principal of a Government School in Babain village, missed the target and hit a party activist sitting next to Jindal on the dais at the Kurukshetra District Congress Bhawan.
Before Jindal could react, the local MLA Ramesh Gupta picked up the shoe and threw it in the direction it had come from. However, the shoe once again missed the target and hit another Congress worker. Enraged party workers soon pounced on the retired principal and badly beat him up before two senior journalists could come to his rescue.

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