Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) chief Ashok Singhal said Varun is the icon for the youth associated with Hindu groups across the nation. "Varun Gandhi is more charismatic than any other person in politics today and the 25 lakh youths associated with Bajrang Dal are now looking up to him for inspiration," Singhal said. BJP's new poster boy Varun Gandhi is certainly making great strides within the saffron brigade. The Hindu groups have already started projecting him as their youth face vis-a-vis his cousin and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi.
Varun Gandhi enter into politics and catapulted himself to fame and stormed into national politics after his arrest under NSA for his controversial remarks at an election rally in Pilibhit. BJP initially maintained a distance from Varun, only to strongly back him later gauging his popularity among the youth. VHP had stood behind him right from the beginning. Singhal said, "Neither BJP nor any other nationalist organization maintained distance from Varun. His popularity is growing by each passing day and has surpassed even that of Rahul Gandhi, whom Congress is trying to impose on the country as a youth leader."
Varun gandhi has taken short route to becomes a National face in indian politics. He has power and calibur but the way he has taken was wrong, he should present development and other national issue instead of limited to religion.
Varun gandhi has taken short route to becomes a National face in indian politics. He has power and calibur but the way he has taken was wrong, he should present development and other national issue instead of limited to religion.
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