Finance minister P Chidambaram WIN lok sabha election from Shiv ganga in Recounting

Finance minister P Chidambaram WIN Lok sabha election from his home turf Shiv ganga, Tamil Nadu. Previously it was declared that P Chidambaram lost seat but after recounting he is declared winner. After first loosing his seat by 3,555 votes, India’s Union Minister of Home Affairs and former Finance minister P Chidambaram, was later told he had in fact won after a recount was conducted. Chidambaram, who has held the seat for the Sivaganga constituency of Tamil Nadu covering the southern-most part of India, was initialy informed by election officials he had lost to Raja Kannappan from the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) party Chidambaram immediately asked for a recount and a check found he had in fact retained the seat.
Thanks to god we have a GOOD FINANCE MINISTER....

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  1. so can a lost candidate is eligible to become a cabinet minister ?

  2. Yes.... he could be finance minister even he lost election

  3. Yes he can still hold a Ministry provided that he gets himself elected within next 6 months.

  4. He has not lost.. he is leading now..

  5. Yes Mathi is correct he won

  6. wow its a great news...i was thinking he lost and thinking hard who will be the new FM!

  7. He lost election then he request for recounting.... really this is a good news... we need such minister..that can fight global recession.

  8. chidambaram is most eligible person to take up finance minister post as Dr. monmoghan singh sworn as PM.

  9. u cant lost election i have full faith on u

  10. u cant lost. thanx to god to win election

  11. a good lesson to dr ramdas and gopal samy. people are not stupid they know politics better than the polititions.

  12. Congrats chidambaram, do something for economy...

  13. Narendra Sahoo, QatarMay 17, 2009 at 2:03 AM

    Your win has given us immense joy & hope to NRI's after initial bad news. We need you sir..

  14. Obviously this smells fishy. Although, eventually it's a good thing that he won because a man of his caliber is hard to find, but the fact is that surely he was made to win in an unethical manner.

  15. :Sameer

    That is not unethical win.. he that was machine mistake.

  16. Congratulation Mr. Chidambaram.........

    Hope you will be finance Minister of India... make market stable........

    fight with recession

  17. we are glad to hear it, but can any one give any clue, how such an error have had happend? and how was it corrected? is not there a bad smell?

  18. He is good for nothing. He is a fraud.

  19. How accurate are the results where recounting not done ?What is the use of EVM. How they declared a winning candidate as looser. The crediility of whole election results is doubtful.

  20. Yes, some fraud has happened. Chidambaram acts like he is very clean. But, the way he has won the election, clearly says that whatever rules he speaks (taxing etc...) is only applicable to poor citizens of india and not to him and his son Karthik chidambaram. Actually Mr. Rajakannappan is the winner. But Mr.Chidambaram, Karunanidhi threatened everyone (including the collector)and changed the results in the last minute. What i heard is Chidambaram has bribed Kannappan with 500 to 1000 crores for manipulating the results. Instead of doing all these non sense, he should have genuinely accepted the defeat like Ram Vilas Paswan and entered into the ministry as a Rajasabha MP. It is a Shame on Chidambaram. And what to do our fate is have a unclean home minister.

  21. He was made to win in a unethical manner and this has never happened before in Indian politics. Chief Election Commissioner Naveen Chavla is also involved in this.

  22. God will definitely punish him for fooling the sivanga people. Every time he becomes the FM and makes crores and crores by increasing and decreasing the share market.

  23. @so can a lost candidate is eligible to become a cabinet minister ?

    Yes. But only if he deserves...
    P.Chidambaram deserves it...

  24. Ppl who can't win peoples confidence should not be allowed to hold ministerial posts..its unfair..

  25. Elections were electively rigged on a national level.

    How come 1) NC sweept the JK election 2) There was no way DMK could have won in TN if you had observed the anger on Lankan issue 3) Congress with no base in UP wins one fourth of the seats...

    There is reason to believe that 'external' powers and internal 'arrangements' within EC (Chawla) are involved in the whole process...all it takes is to add a flat pre-loaded votes in EVMs.

    Also, the voting percentages and total votes don't tally in many constituencies.

  26. see it cud be that he has won through unfair means i dont rule out that possibility but i think we shud show some faith in the election commission and the media which wud hav checked such a happening...see in the process of tallying if there is a recount like the board examz only a retallying is done not an entire there is no case of adding bundles...see parties keep a tab on their tallies from diff counting centres of that particular seat which sometimes are miscalculated or misappropriated also it is not a machine error but happens due to human error.

    plus there is a media cell at every seat which is there to relay the a 'jhol' is difficult to go through.

    neways its always a good sign if people question such incidents. but hope overall people in the country are happy wid a pro congress mandate. and ya sorry for those who think p chidambaram will b next fm...i guess montek uncle has a better chance.

  27. Chidambaram who became MP by unfairs means down down!

  28. Is sonia can't sleep without chidambaram or what? why she encourages these unethical wins?

  29. Now he has no right to talk about any politician in India. by doing like this he has become the worst politician.

  30. P Chidambram joined with Karunanithi's family!
    Karunanithi and Alagiri helped chidambram to become MP unethical manner.So that chidambram will help Karunanithi family to earn crores!!!

  31. Chidambaram pls resign your Minister and MP post. If you strongly beleive that if you have public support really then ask for re-election.

  32. i am mohd shoaib and i am sure that MR. CHIDAMBARAM P is a great finance minister.


  33. i am mohd shoaib and i am sure that MR. CHIDAMBARAM P is a great finance minister.


  34. in india anything can happen,if you lost also you can win bcaz money makes many things ra macchhaa

  35. its some fraud that has been cooked by congress party as always.

  36. Same fraud happen in rajasthan at Tonk Seat where one EVM machine having 670 votes goes wrong and when result declared after one day, congress candidate win by 370 votes........ they done at least some fraud

  37. we have got a candidate who could serve the nation in a better way than his opponent who is a good for nothing, his opponent rajakannappan has so many cases against him for swindling govt funds

  38. yeah money can do any thing in india

  39. WOW he lost then declaired won. how come an EVM eat up 8000 votes. So EVM can be manipulated and congress is doing this since tis first introduction in 2004.

  40. guys.. he represented enron! He is the cheat of the first order.. Just cause he has a Harvard MBA doesn't make him all that good.. George Bush has a Harvard MBA.. Look at him!!

  41. Mr P.Chidambaram thinks as if he knows everything.He is a fraud politician.Very very shame to have him as an Indian home minister.He is avery corrupt politician and that's why he is closely linked with M.karunanidhi.

  42. Actually RajaKannapan has won the elections in 2009.He has used his money and power to win the elections. He is highly corrupt and jealous person.
