A humble Muslim woman in a remote Jammu village slew a dreaded Lashkar terrorist single-handedly. Exhibiting astonishing, raw courage, Rashida Begum took on the two terrorists who had barged into her home late Sunday night in Thana Mandi village in Rajouri district. The woman, in her early forties, grabbed an axe and swung it wildly, killing one of the armed terrorists and injuring the other. Seeing his partner meet a bloody end, the other terrorist fled in sheer dread. Terrorists wanted to hold family hostage. Rashida Begum of Thana Mandi village in Rajouri district of Jammu killed a Lashkar terrorist who had barged into her home on Sunday. Seeing his partner meet a bloody end, the other terrorist fled. A Rajouri-based police officer said the two terrorists of LeT, the Pakistan-based group that carried out the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, had entered Noor Ahmad’s home around 9pm with the intention of holding the family hostage.
Police said the two also wanted information on some local targets that Noor and his family members refused to provide. Angered by the resistance, the two began beating them up, threatening to eliminate the family, when Noor’s wife, Rashida, took them by surprise, pouncing on one of them from behind. She brought down an axe in powerful blows, killing the terrorist on the spot. She then charged at his partner who, nonplussed, was trying to gather his wits.
Police said the two also wanted information on some local targets that Noor and his family members refused to provide. Angered by the resistance, the two began beating them up, threatening to eliminate the family, when Noor’s wife, Rashida, took them by surprise, pouncing on one of them from behind. She brought down an axe in powerful blows, killing the terrorist on the spot. She then charged at his partner who, nonplussed, was trying to gather his wits.
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