The Rajasthan Assembly was today adjourned for the day after suspending BJP member Hanuman Beniwal and formalising day's business that included budgetary demands of three key departments amid din without discussion. Earlier, the House witnessed unruly scenes coupled with heated exchanges between Treasury and Opposition Benches and slogan shouting in the well over allegations of corruption against people occupying positions in state government. Following this, the House was adjourned thrice for a total period of two and a half hours. The trouble erupted during the Zero Hour when mr Beniwal, while speaking on his rejected adjournment motion, made allegations against the people holding positions in the state government. Mr Beniwal alleged that the government "unduly" waived off liquor contractors' dues of Rs 50 crore. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shanti Kumar Dhariwal protested saying it was unfair on the part of the member to make such allegation without prior notice and specification.
Senior members from the Opposition Benches, including BJP Deputy Leader Ghanshyam Tiwari, also pacified Mr Beniwal and held that he should not have made the allegations in such a manner. Government Chief Whip Virendra Beniwal moved the motion for suspension of the BJP MLA for remaining period of the current session. This agitated BJP members who mobbed into the well and started shouting slogan, following which Mr Jadawat adjourned the House for an hour. In the meantime, all the Opposition members were raising slogans from the well of the House.
Senior members from the Opposition Benches, including BJP Deputy Leader Ghanshyam Tiwari, also pacified Mr Beniwal and held that he should not have made the allegations in such a manner. Government Chief Whip Virendra Beniwal moved the motion for suspension of the BJP MLA for remaining period of the current session. This agitated BJP members who mobbed into the well and started shouting slogan, following which Mr Jadawat adjourned the House for an hour. In the meantime, all the Opposition members were raising slogans from the well of the House.
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