Six Medical students of a Sitapura-based private medical college were suspended on Tuesday for allegedly ragging and assaulting a junior on the campus. While five of the suspended are MBBS students, one is a BDS student. A case was also registered against them at the local police station. According to Arun Sharma (20), a first year pharmacy student of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, a group of MBBS students attacked him twice on Monday without any provocation. Arun had earlier complained to the college management about harassment by some seniors. The suspended have been identified as Ashwini Choudhary, Chhote Lal Garhwal, Deepak Kundu, Rajesh Sharma, Ankur Kotewa (all MBBS students) and Sudhir Singh Jhakhar (BDS).
The victim was hospitalised for a short period on Monday evening and has since returned to his house. He is a resident of Sitapura area, whereas other students involved in the incident are mostly hostelers. “The six suspended students have been asked to keep off the college campus till the inquiry is over,” said Dr Sudheer Sachdeva, CEO, MGM group. The college management had also written to police seeking action against them, he said. “We followed the case as per the anti-ragging guidelines of the Supreme Court,” he added.
The victim was hospitalised for a short period on Monday evening and has since returned to his house. He is a resident of Sitapura area, whereas other students involved in the incident are mostly hostelers. “The six suspended students have been asked to keep off the college campus till the inquiry is over,” said Dr Sudheer Sachdeva, CEO, MGM group. The college management had also written to police seeking action against them, he said. “We followed the case as per the anti-ragging guidelines of the Supreme Court,” he added.
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