Rajasthan BJP President election was conducted today and finally Arun Chaturvedi elected BJP President of Rajasthan. State BJP Vice President Arun Chaturvedi was nominated on Thursday, as the President of the party's Rajasthan unit, replacing Om Mathur who resigned from the post recently following the BJP's debacle in the Lok Sabha polls. Chaturvedi worked in the Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarthi Parishad (ABVP) from 1974 to 1988 and held the post of State Vice President of Bhartiya Janta Yuva Morcha (BJYM)from 1988 to 1998,party sources said. He was BJP's State General Secretary from 2004 to 2007 and presently holds post of party's spokesperson and Vice- President.
The party organisational elections in the State were stopped halfway by party president Nitin Gadkari in December, following complaints of irregularities by P supporters of former Chief M Minister Vasundhara Raje. They alleged there was no transparency in elections to district units. Now finally rajasthan gets it BJP President as arun chaturvedi. Election incharge Vinay Katiyar announced his name after the election process was completed. The election of the president was scheduled for Sunday. However, since no other nominations were filed for the post, he was declared the president, said Katiyar. his election to the post was cleared following truce brokered by the central leadership between the Vasundhara Raje faction and the RSS faction supporting Chaturvedi following the elevation of Raje to the post of general secretary
The party organisational elections in the State were stopped halfway by party president Nitin Gadkari in December, following complaints of irregularities by P supporters of former Chief M Minister Vasundhara Raje. They alleged there was no transparency in elections to district units. Now finally rajasthan gets it BJP President as arun chaturvedi. Election incharge Vinay Katiyar announced his name after the election process was completed. The election of the president was scheduled for Sunday. However, since no other nominations were filed for the post, he was declared the president, said Katiyar. his election to the post was cleared following truce brokered by the central leadership between the Vasundhara Raje faction and the RSS faction supporting Chaturvedi following the elevation of Raje to the post of general secretary
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