A court in Ajmer on Monday granted permission to the Rajasthan Anti Terror Squad (ATS) to conduct a narco-analysis test on Devendra Gupta, who was arrested for his alleged role in the 2007 Ajmer Dargah blast. Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate-I Ajmer Khagendra Sharma granted permission to the ATS, who had moved the court on Saturday to seek permission to carry out the test. An ATS team will take Gupta to Hyderabad to get the tests conducted. Gupta, who is allegedly linked to Hindu outfit Abhinav Bharat Sangathan, was arrested last week from Ajmer when he had come to meet his ailing mother. He is suspected to be involved in the blast inside the Dargah of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti.
The ATS has so far arrested three persons in the blast case- Devendra from Ajmer and Chandrashekhar and Vishnu Patidar from Madhya Pradesh. Gupta and Chandrashekar are in police remand and are being interrogated by the ATS in Jaipur. They will be produced before the court on May 12. Police are also probing Gupta''s alleged links with Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, a key accused in the Malegaon blast case. Chandrasekhar, who is also suspected to have connections with Hindu right-wing groups, is alleged to be a key member of the terror module involved in the Ajmer blast. At least three persons were killed and over 15 others were injured in the Ajmer Dargah blast in 2007.
The ATS has so far arrested three persons in the blast case- Devendra from Ajmer and Chandrashekhar and Vishnu Patidar from Madhya Pradesh. Gupta and Chandrashekar are in police remand and are being interrogated by the ATS in Jaipur. They will be produced before the court on May 12. Police are also probing Gupta''s alleged links with Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, a key accused in the Malegaon blast case. Chandrasekhar, who is also suspected to have connections with Hindu right-wing groups, is alleged to be a key member of the terror module involved in the Ajmer blast. At least three persons were killed and over 15 others were injured in the Ajmer Dargah blast in 2007.
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