The Ajmer Sessions Court on Friday remanded Devender Gupta and Chandrasekhar Borad, two accused in the Ajmer blast case, to jail custody till June 14. The accused were allowed to meet their family members for the first time since the trial began. The relations of Borad became emotional and complained that the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) has framed false charges against Borad. Borad's daughter said that the police arrested her father, while she was waiting for him in her school. "I was standing there and waiting for my father. As soon as he came I went near the jeep, there was a man standing there. After my father got off the car and it was locked. There was a policeman sitting there from eight o' clock. He held my father and made him walk with him," said Borad's daughter.
The Rajasthan ATS arrested Chandrasekhar Borad and Devendra Gupta on April 29 and later detained Lokesh Sharma on May 14, in connection with the blast. All the three will be presented in the court on June 14. At least three persons were killed and over 15 others were injured in the Ajmer Dargah blast in 2007.
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