Barring stray clashes, Bharatpur and Bhilwara on Monday recorded 75 and 48 per cent polling respectively in a largely peaceful election to nine civic bodies in Rajasthan. "At least 75 per centage voters cast votes in all the eight civic bodies. Polling at a booth in Kaman was stopped for five minutes as supporters of two candidates clashed with each other. It was restarted as the situation was controlled in time," K Kunal, Bharatpur district collector told media. "In Bhilwara, 48 voters cast votes to elect a chairperson, and no untoward incident took place anywhere," District Collector, Manju Rajpal said.
A total of 810 candidates were vying for 180 seats of ward members and 83 candidates for eight seats of chairpersons in eight municipalities in Bharatpur district, while four candidates contested for chairperson seat in the Bhilwara municipality by-poll which was necessitated after the death of the incumbent in a road accident.
A total of 810 candidates were vying for 180 seats of ward members and 83 candidates for eight seats of chairpersons in eight municipalities in Bharatpur district, while four candidates contested for chairperson seat in the Bhilwara municipality by-poll which was necessitated after the death of the incumbent in a road accident.
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