In a shocking incident a teacher was shot dead with a mouser by a colleague in a school of the Rajasthan’s Karauli district. The incident occurred on Monday morning when the victim was taking classes at the school ground. In the stampede that followed, at least a dozen students were injured. The teacher who carried out the shooting, locked himself inside a classroom before turning the weapon on himself. The bullet pierced his head and left him grievously injured. He is undergoing treatment at SMS Hospital in Jaipur and is in a critical condition. Motive is still unknown.
According to the police, the incident took place in Shri Mahaveer Jain Upper Primary School in Patoda village near Sri Mahveer Ji town in Karauli district. The private school is run by a trust. The deceased, identified as Chhagan Lal (36), had assembled the students at the school ground for attendance after the morning prayers. “The deceased’s colleague Pradeep Kumar Mishra came to the ground carrying a bag,” Mahendra Singh Chaudhary, SP of Karauli, said. The officer said that Mishra suddenly took out a gun from the bag and fired at Lal.
According to the police, the incident took place in Shri Mahaveer Jain Upper Primary School in Patoda village near Sri Mahveer Ji town in Karauli district. The private school is run by a trust. The deceased, identified as Chhagan Lal (36), had assembled the students at the school ground for attendance after the morning prayers. “The deceased’s colleague Pradeep Kumar Mishra came to the ground carrying a bag,” Mahendra Singh Chaudhary, SP of Karauli, said. The officer said that Mishra suddenly took out a gun from the bag and fired at Lal.
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