Rajasthan Chief minister Ashok Gehlot flagged off the Jaipur-Mumbai Duronto Express from the city railway station on Tuesday. Eleven out of 14 trains announced in the Rail Budget 2010-11 have been flagged off till now. Gehlot will also flag off Bikaner-Delhi Express from the Bikaner railway station on Wednesday and Ajmer-Sultanpur Express from Ajmer railway station on Thursday. On the occasion, Gehlot said the state government has been working on connecting other parts of the state with railway. "The final survey of Dholpur-Sarmathura-Gangapur railway line is on. Soon, the detailed project report (DPR) will be prepared. Also, the work on Dausa-Gangapur railway line is in progress," Gehlot said.
Gehlot said the state government has contributed `1,250 crore for laying down tracks between Ratlam and Dungarpur. The track will be beneficial for the development of the ST-dominated Dungarpur and Banswara area. The chief minister said the Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor will be a major benefit for Rajasthan as 39 per cent of the corridor will pass through the state. This will be an advantage for the business and other sectors.
Gehlot said the state government has contributed `1,250 crore for laying down tracks between Ratlam and Dungarpur. The track will be beneficial for the development of the ST-dominated Dungarpur and Banswara area. The chief minister said the Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor will be a major benefit for Rajasthan as 39 per cent of the corridor will pass through the state. This will be an advantage for the business and other sectors.
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